Daily sketchbook
Lockdown and home schooling have taken over life, but I have still been trying to work every day. At the moment, I’m keeping a ‘nature journal’ along with my eldest daughter, Harper.
Better late…
Brain fog and cabin fever have delayed this shout out for a few days, but hopefully better late than never…
Turbine Bagh
I have a wonderful opportunity to be part of a peaceful artists’ protest in the Tate’s turbine hall and have produced some work to be displayed on samosa packets in the hall.
Book launch
I’m so pleased and proud to have attended the official launch of ‘Ollie and the Magic Compass’, featuring my illustrations, at Regent’s University in London last weekend.
The Coppermoon
The picture heading this blog post is part of a painting on the wall of my studio. I’m not sure which came first, the mural or the name, except that it came to me in a dream.